Sunday, August 17, 2008


I've been in the metro for like 8 months and this has been my longest stay here.. When I was much smaller, my family and I would usually come to here to spend the summer or attend some special family affairs. However, a lot of things has already changed and I'm no longer here just to spend the summer and have fun with my family, but I'm here for a much serious business. I'm here to work, earn some money, and gain some work experience.. Life here is not easy! The lifestyle here is very different from the place where I came from, but then it has helped me a lot! I'm much more independent ( my parents are in the province and I'm here all by myself ), I budget my own money, sometimes I eat by myself, etc.. I miss my family and friends back home and there has been a lot of times that I've thought 'bout quitting my work and just go home.. My life in the province is way way much easier than my life here, but thinking that I'm not getting any younger and that I won't forever be supported by my parents financially, makes me think that I really have to make some sacrifices.. A lot of people out other are jobless and here I am with a good job in a prestigious hospital and earning my own money.. Maybe I should just be grateful for everything and complain less..